If you have reached this page, it indicates that you have an interest in our services.

We’re glad you have arrived here, yet we want to again reassure you of a few facts:

  • We are based in the United States, in the Columbus, OH area

  • Importantly, with our process, we do NOT get access to the online accounts of any deceased person. Therefore, we do not need passwords. Rather we work directly with each online service provider company to manage the account in the manner you prescribe. 

  • We do background checks on all our associates before they even start our extensive training program.

  • Maintaining our stellar reputation is critical to our long-term success. All our internal policies and decisions are based on that concept. We will always do the “right” thing.

  • Documents are handled in a highly secure manner. They are only shared with the relevant service provider company. Documents, videos and our related records are stored in encrypted files. For added security, our payment processing is managed through a separate system that is not connected to our website.

1 Initially, if we contact you by email, we will also send you a text message to let you know the email has been sent. We want to make sure you are aware of our email, just in case it lands in your spam email folder.

2 We need your zip code. One reason is so we know your time zone. We then won’t contact you at odd hours. Most of our associates are in the Eastern Time Zone, so for example, we don’t want to call our West Coast customers at 7:00 am Pacific Time.


Phone: 614 696-7326

Fax: Same number. 614 696-7326. Our technology knows when you’re faxing and when you’re not, which we think is pretty cool, but more importantly, it is convenient for you and us.

Business Hours: Officially 9 am to 6 pm Eastern Time. However, we offer our associates flexible hours, so often we are available much later to accommodate anyone, including our West Coast customers. So don’t let our “official” business hours hinder you from inquiring.